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Articles Tagged with: filmfestival

Torino Underground Cinefest

Torino Underground Cinefest

Bentornati alla 9° edizione!

27 september – 5 oktober

Per la sua nona edizione, il festival durerà nove giorni, per offrire più tempo agli approfondimenti con gli autori.

Il 9° TUC si terrà in una location molto importante per l’universo “Cinema” torinese, che si trova nel cuore della città, presso il meraviglioso Cinema Ambrosio.

Sono previsti premi in denaro per il miglior lungometraggio, il miglior cortometraggio e il miglior documentario. Inoltre, saranno assegnati premi speciali a: miglior regista, miglior attore, miglior attrice, miglior direttore della fotografia, miglior montatore e miglior sound designer. Ci sarà un premio del pubblico e menzioni assegnate dai nostri media partner.

Il festival conta sull’aiuto di media-partner e partner culturali della zona.

Non esistono limiti, eccetto quelli che scegliamo di porci.

Al contratrio di ogni altra forma d’arte, i film riescono ad esprimere la misura e lo scorrere del tempo, a fermarlo e a dominarlo pressochè all’infinito. Io dico che i film sono gli scultori del tempo.

Andrei Tarkovsky

Scout Film Festival

Scout Film Festival

Scout Film Festival

Announcing Scout 2019 Official Selections and Category Nominees
In this, our 3rd year, we received 2,164 submissions from 105 countries! This record number of submissions granted us the unique opportunity to consider work that spans a wide spectrum from around the globe. Our heroic screening committee had their work cut out for them, difficult choices were made, narrowing our catalog down to 187 official selections screening January 4-6, 2019 in Stowe, VT, USA.
Congratulations to all the filmmakers included here, and to ALL who submitted, THANK YOU, we look forward to viewing your future work.
FATE by Anton Forsdik, Sweden
Best of Three by Yehwan Choi, Deeva White, Matthew Millard and Elisha Murray through BFI Film Academy and SIGNAL STARTERS, United Kingdom
Beyond the Cosmos by James Hastings, United Kingdom
Blue by Armin Mahmoudi and Ahmad Noori, Islamic Republic of Iran
Boka by Emil Balti? Hrsan, Croatia
Break by Anne-Marie Bjerre Koch and Anneli Søgård-Høyer through Station Next, Denmark
Chastity by Mihai Nichiforeac, Republic of Moldova
Drained by Cole Maute, USA
Embark by Brianna Seaberg, USA
Endless Night by Abigail Reese, USA
Heatwave by Jacob Langsner, USA
Hope by Kunu Krisztian, Hungary
I’m Your Brother by Michael Yuanhao Deng, USA
Moonchild by Jaclyn Goldstein, USA
Only One by Jacob Langsner, USA
Playing The Game by Ethan Paisley, USA
Processing by Felipe Vargas Ferrufino, USA
Soaring Soldiers by Cecilie Elmholt Skou through Station Next, Denmark
To See The Sky Again by Justin Kaminuma, USA
Vital Fluid by Dean Russell, USA

Scout Film Festival

Ödet (Fate) film Norwegian Film Premiere

Ringerike International Youth Film Festival

Ödet (Fate) film Norwegian Film Premiere Ringerike International Youth Film Festival

Ringerike International Youth Film Festival

Fantastic nice festival and well organized as usual! With lots of nice people and good friends.

Fate (Ödet) film Q&A Ringerike International Youth Film Festival
a fantastic film festival for young filmmakers.
and all these nice Norwegians that make it possible for us young people
Ringerike International Youth Film Festival #filmfestival #fatefilm
Ringerike Kultursenter